Dallas, Texas
Clinic Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Clinic Number

Suboxone Treatment in Dallas

At Dallas Suboxone Doctors, we believe in providing compassionate, patient-focused care and support to those struggling with the disease of opioid addiction. Our experienced team of professionals offers a full range of Suboxone medical services to help patients on their journey to recovery.

Our caring staff understands how intimidating it can be to ask for help. So they have dedicated their practice to creating a safe and welcoming environment where lessons learned are transferred into powerful new skills.

We are proud to accept most major insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare, and offer in-person and telemedicine appointments according to individual needs. We recognize the impact that effective opioid management has on our community and strive to make a meaningful difference every day.

Choose which option works best for you:

In-Person Appointments

Patients can benefit from the expertise and competencies of committed medical professionals while creating a personalized approach to opioid dependency treatment. Each patient receives detailed assessments, treatment plans, and ongoing evaluations geared toward helping manage addiction recovery on an individualized level.

In addition, comprehensive care teams offer support and advocacy services based on the needs of each patient rather than one particular program or structure. This flexible approach gives Dallas Suboxone Doctors the ability to meet the specific needs of each person while establishing strong support systems as they work towards their goals.

If you are looking for more successful outcomes from your suboxone treatment, in-person appointments with Dallas Suboxone Doctors may be the key to helping you keep your promise to yourself for a life free from addiction.

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Telemedicine Appointments

Dallas Suboxone Doctors are proud to announce our upgrade in suboxone treatment, including telemedicine appointments. By introducing this process, our patients can now seek medical help remotely. This telemedicine service provides a great advantage to our patients, such as providing live and secure meetings with doctors from the comfort of home or any location with an internet connection and a device.

In addition, it saves time for both patients and clinicians by reducing wait time for appointments. Finally, it eliminates unnecessary transportation costs and other disruptions, given that a wide range of medical problems can be resolved via telehealth services. Dallas Suboxone Doctors offer these appointments to serve our community better.

The Dallas Suboxone Doctors has developed a comprehensive program to assist those struggling with addiction.

Medication-Assisted Treatment with Suboxone

Suboxone, a brand-name prescription drug that contains a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone hydrochloride, is approved by the FDA to treat opioid use disorder. Medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone is prescribed to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid addiction while providing counseling and behavioral therapy to support long-term recovery.

At Dallas Suboxone Doctors, we strive to help people suffering from opioid use disorder through compassionate care, expertise in opioid addiction treatment, and holistic recovery planning. We understand it is an uphill battle for those trying to break free from opioid dependence, and our goal remains to facilitate your journey toward healing every step of the way.


Recovery from addiction requires a holistic approach. Our professionals are certified in the latest evidence-based theories and practices, allowing us to offer personalized care tailored to each patient’s situation. We provide short-term, solution-focused therapeutic interventions and more long-term psychoanalysis.

Additionally, we emphasize understanding the underlying causes behind addiction, helping design strategies for prevention and relapse management throughout recovery. Finally, we provide a full range of counseling services combined with medication-assisted treatment, so our patients can maximize their chances for success in living healthy lives free from substance abuse.

Peer Support Groups

At Dallas Suboxone Doctors, we strive to provide every patient with the most comprehensive treatment plans for addiction recovery.

  • Peer Support Groups: We are proud to offer a wide range of peer support services, including behavior therapy, family therapy, and outpatient treatment.
  • Behavior Therapy: Our knowledgeable counselors work one-on-one with patients to help them learn critical coping skills that will allow them to identify their triggers and practice healthier behaviors.
  • Family Therapy: Through our family therapy sessions, patients can learn how addiction has impacted the dynamics of their relationships and repair damaged bonds in a safe environment.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Our outpatient program network effectively bridges rehab and daily life by allowing patients to receive ongoing support while transitioning to independence.

Our team is committed to providing the highest quality care and assisting patients on their journey toward sobriety.

Important Patient Information

Understanding the Different Stages of Opioid Addiction

The issue of opioid addiction has become a growing concern, and the Dallas Suboxone Doctors have taken it upon themselves to help those in need. With an understanding of the different stages of opioid dependence, it is possible to identify symptoms and get a better grasp on how best to approach recovery. Symptoms may range from:

  • changes in one’s sleep patterns to an inability to find pleasure without the use
  • other signs include craving opioids
  • ignoring important obligations
  • negotiating for higher doses
  • decreased motivation
  • developing tolerance over time
  • a failure to control the use
  • experiencing withdrawals without taking drugs
  • and even experiencing depression or thoughts of suicide

Knowing the symptomology of opioid dependency can lead to earlier intervention with more reliable results in achieving sobriety.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Substance Use Disorder is a debilitating medical condition that affects millions of people around the world and can cause substantial damage to health, relationships, and productivity. The team at Dallas Suboxone Doctors understands the difficulty of overcoming SUD.

We strive to provide our patients with the most successful treatment programs available in their area, combining aspects of substance use therapy with medication-assisted treatments, such as Suboxone.

Our team works closely with local resources so that we may create a structured plan tailored to each individual’s needs. We are devoted to providing a safe, caring environment in which our patients can become a healthy version of themselves.

Treatment for Opioid Use

At Dallas Suboxone Doctors, we provide the highest level of care for individuals with opiate abuse and other addictions. We strive to be the premier resource for treatment in the area by offering proven and successful methods tailored to suit individual needs.

Our approach is multidisciplinary, combining medications like Suboxone, psychotherapy, counseling, and 12-step techniques to create a personalized plan for recovery. Through our team’s expertise, compassion and support, we are here to guide each patient on their path toward a drug-free life.

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

At the Dallas Suboxone Doctors, we provide comprehensive treatment and care for individuals suffering from opioid abuse. Our addiction treatment approaches include medication-assisted therapy (MAT), counseling, and behavioral health services, so that each patient receives tailored attention and support.

Accessing our treatment is easy – we offer both in-person and telehealth visits, making it convenient for patients to attend appointments. What’s more, we accept most health insurance plans which make it budget friendly too! So if you or someone you know needs help overcoming their addiction to opioids, look no further than the Dallas Suboxone Clinic for the highest quality of care.

Why Suboxone Treatment is Effective

The Suboxone treatment offered by Dallas Suboxone Doctors is highly effective in helping individuals overcome addiction to opioids. Our approach combines a blend of behavioral therapy and the administration of medications, such as Suboxone, which can help control cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms.

This approach allows patients to take ownership of their process and understand the underlying causes of their addiction. We also offer education and counseling to help them manage their problems both in the short- and long term. In addition, our experienced staff has long-term relationships with patients so that they can have continued support even after their treatment program ends.

Our holistic treatment helps ensure that our patients have the best chance of success on their journey to becoming drug-free.

Exploring the Role of Suboxone Doctors in Addiction Recovery

At Dallas Suboxone Doctors, we understand that the road to addiction recovery can be long and arduous, and our suboxone doctors are here to help. Our dedicated team of medical professionals uses suboxone to reduce cravings from opiate addictions and withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, irritability, insomnia, or nausea.

On top of providing medication-assisted treatment for opioid dependency, our doctors also offer additional guidance for long-term recovery by encouraging support group attendance and developing an individualized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s needs.

By providing medically supervised care combined with personalized counseling, we work with each patient on their journey toward achieving a clean and healthy lifestyle.

Suboxone Maintenance

Our specialists understand that addiction is a chronic medical condition and a treatment process that require patience and commitment. Because of this, the suboxone maintenance program is tailored to meet each person’s needs. In addition, our team is prepared to provide evidence-based treatment modalities such as behavioral therapy, medication management, holistic activities, psychoeducation, 12-step program integration, and support groups.

Clients will have access to necessary services as often as needed to provide therapeutic progress during their care. The goal of suboxone maintenance at our facility is always focused on helping individuals to improve their quality of life through successful drug abstinence.

What Are the Side Effects of Taking Suboxone?

Treating the entire disease of addiction is the key to successful recovery. We strive to provide our patients with customized health care plans and use Suboxone to supplement recovery. Our experienced personnel specializes in providing an array of services, such as trauma-related counseling and mental health care, which sets us apart from other MAT providers.

Additionally, we understand the financial burdens placed on many individuals due to limited resources for addiction treatment. Therefore, we accept various forms of payment to remain affordable for those seeking help. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support catered to your individual needs – so don’t hesitate to reach out today!

Suboxone Treatment with the Dallas Suboxone Doctors

Dallas Suboxone Doctors provide a safe and effective way for individuals to manage their opioid use disorder. Through medical-assisted treatment and ongoing therapy, our doctors create individualized plans tailored to each patient’s recovery needs.

Our compassionate staff understands addiction recovery’s challenges, ensuring every person receives the care, respect, and support they need. The benefits of suboxone treatment include improved comfort from cravings, sobriety maintenance, improved overall health, and better functioning in daily life.

The Dallas Suboxone Doctors can also provide intensive outpatient services for those ready to take the following steps in their addiction recovery process. We offer a comprehensive outpatient program with full access to counselors, therapeutic sessions, and genuine care that cannot be found anywhere else.

Let the professionals at the Dallas Suboxone Doctors help you on your path toward a healthier future!